Many organisations working for social good and wider community benefits talk about donating. There are a many organisations doing good work and so you will be asking why should I donate to this organisation?

To address this and to highlight the importance of this work, countering hate crime within our communities. Your kind donation no matter how big or small will go towards our organisation, visiting and presenting at your premises.  Future development and improvements to what we may be able to provide.

Every day, in our country, we witness the incredible bravery and strength it takes to report a Hate Crime.

To Donate please do the following: Direct Transfer

If you prefer to transfer a donation direct to our bank account, our account details are as follows –

Account name: Triple SR C.I.C. T/A RAKKHA
Account number: 68013463
Sort code: 30-98-97


You can also use the above details to set up a regular Standing Order.
You can choose how much you want to donate, no matter how big or small.